Sunday, May 18, 2014

Essie Ballet Slippers Transformed!

Hi y'all! I've had a lot of posts in the past couple days because I've been playing catch up. One can only have so many mani pics on their camera roll to be posted. 

Ah, one of my favorite brands... Essie. Essie is famous for having feminine, sheer, barely-there, yet classy colors. They have only started introducing neon and metallic collections, among other loud polishes, in recent years.

What I'm going to be sharing with you today is one of Essie's most popular shades: Ballet Slippers. This is also one of the brand's oldest shades. Essie Weingarten, the head of the company, used to take ballet as a little girl, and created this color in honor of that.

Ballet Slippers is a semi-sheer pale pink. It's an excellent base for a French manicure, as well as being pretty alone for a conservative mani. It's also work appropriate. I like to use it for more professional occasions. When I'm a bit tired of bold colors and nail art, I reach for Ballet Slippers.

And here it is! However, being me, I couldn't just let it be. I'm not the type to go about with a quiet color like this, so I slapped some of Essie's Pure Pearlfection on top, a favorite of mine to add some pizazz to a traditional color. 

Do you like it? Love it? What's your go-to "quiet" polish, and how do you transform it?




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